
Artists May Apply Here

The West Fine Art Show is in its sixteenth year of operation. We are thrilled with our past success and look forward to producing many more high quality shows.

The next West Fine Art Show is:

Our "16th Annual - Late Summer Edition"


Sept 12-14, 2025




If you have previously been in one of our art shows and wish to apply for a specific future show, simply press this link  and send us an email saying you wish to apply to be in a specific show (please specify show date).  We will confirm by return email that your name has been added to our list of applicants for that show only.   Adjudication of the list of applicants takes place 3 months prior to each show and successful applicants will be advised then.



If you are an experienced and established artist and wish to be considered as a “Featured Artist” at one of our future shows, the information below will be of interest.



The West Fine Art Show features representational art which communicates our Western Canadian environment and lifestyle.

Interested artists must have a considerable body of representational art that fits our Western Canadian theme, and which is framed and ready for sale.

Interested artists must have a Website (not a webpage); this website must be updated and current.

Interested artists should also have an active social media presence.

Interested artist should have a past history of selling in art show events



Our artists display representational art and sculpture that supports our Western Canadaian theme.
The artist fee for being in one of our shows varies but may be as much as $500.

Our shows are designed to present a professional gallery-setting and appearance.

Seven-foot-high ProPanel walls are used exclusively; art mounting equipment and overhead LED lighting are provided. Each artist will be provided approximately 32 feet of linear wall space on which to hang their art.

Artists are expected to be present at all times during the show opening hours.
A specified percentage (usually 25%) of all art sales will be donated, by the artist, to the charity or charities that we partner with at any particular show.


If you believe that you fit the requirements  and wish to express your interest in being a featured artist at one of our shows, you can communicate via this website; simply press this link  and send an email to us.  Please make this initial email as brief as possible; send only a short description of your work, and your website address so that we can see your work.

We will reply as soon as we have reviewed your work.  A phone conversation may follow to pass on further information and answer any questions. 



It is the artist's  responsibility to apply for each show they are interested in.

If you have previously been in one of our art shows and wish to apply for the next show, simply press this link  and apply by email; your name will then be on our list of applicants for that show only.

For shows where we have more artists applying than we have  show-space to accommodate them all, we will use an adjudication process.  Three months prior to an oversubscribed show, we will adjudicate all applicants for that show in order to select the featured artists for that show.

Three months prior to each show, the selected featured artists will receive, by email, our invitation in the form of a Featured Artist Participant Agreement. Once the selected featured artist has read that agreement, we consider the receipt of a deposit from the artist to be their acceptance of the terms of the aforementioned agreement. The balance of the Artist Participant Agreement entry fee will be collected a week before the show.

An invitation, from us, to become a Featured Artist in a specific edition of the West Fine Art Show is a limited invitation to that specific show only and does not confer membership in the West Fine Art Show Society nor any ongoing priority or right to be in any subsequent West Fine Art Show.