Joanne Finlay
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Joanne draws and paints for the sheer joy of being able to experiment with texture in pen/ink, graphite, and oils. She loves to learn.
She became much more observant in her life in the early 1990's. She moved back to the West Coast after being away for quite a number of years and was amazed by the beauty that she had left behind. Joanne started to see rock formations with a more curious eye, ocean beaches from an observer’s camera (with their never ending tide pools) and the wonderful variety which is part of the urban garden and rural landscape. Her current oil paintings are of still life and landscapes and she continues her love of impressionistic realism. She has a special fondness for pen/ink which is where she started her journey.
Joanne is a Signature member of the Federation of Canadian Artists (AFCA) and is an honorary member of the Drawing Society of Canada. She is an artist who believes anyone can find their art within (which takes many different forms) and that it is ultimately the most intimate form of self-expression and joy. She is grateful when given the opportunity to support great causes with the sale of her pieces.