Heidi Lambert
Visit Artist's Website: www.heidilambertart.com
Heidi Lambert - CSPWC, AFCA, NWWS
I work primarily in transparent watercolours where my passions lay. My paintings are realistic and representational in style enhanced with deep values – rich in colour. The subject matter is widely varied carefully selecting subjects where light and mood are a strong factor. Although my approach has evolved over the years I'm still a purist at heart.
Born in Germany, Heidi came to Canada at the age of 6 and grew up in Edmonton, Alberta where at an early age attended art school at the Edmonton museum of Art. Heidi has been a watercolour artist for 30 years and is a dedicated artist. She is currently an Associate Member of the Federation of Canadian Artists, an Elected Member of the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour, and a Signature Member of the Northwest Watercolour Society.
Heidi has been a recipient of several prestigious awards over the years and her work can be seen in collections across Canada, USA and Europe.
Heidi has served on several boards of the art organizations she belongs to and is currently the CSPWC Director of BC and the North in Canada.